Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de refuse

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I refusedyo rehusé
you refusedtú rehusaste
he refusedél rehusó
she refusedella rehusó
we refusednosotros rehusamos
you refusedvosotros rehusasteis
they refusedellos rehusaron
they refusedellas rehusaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have refusedyo he rehusado
you have refusedtú has rehusado
he has refusedél ha rehusado
she has refusedella ha rehusado
we have refusednosotros hemos rehusado
you have refusedvosotros habéis rehusado
they have refusedellos han rehusado
they have refusedellas han rehusado

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